Friday, August 8, 2008

Hurricane Will

My son is a force of nature. Just like my husband.

Today, while at goodnight story hour on the grassy hill in front of the library, not one, but two sets of childless adults stopped to say hi to my 3 year old son in the middle of town. These are people he has made friends with, because that is what he does. He hurtles headlong into life, smiling and making loud joyful noise. He charms and is charmed. He annoys sometimes, but does not notice (this should be a superpower). He is powerful with his questions and that “hey! I want to know you!" gaze.

The first set of greeters he met last week at the Art House CafĂ©: an ample curly headed woman in her thirties there to study, and her hip, boyish friend. They commented on how open and friendly he is, and that charmed them. We saw them again today in the same cafe, and the curly haired woman remembered us (him). He said hi and couldn’t wait to show her his new robot. They had a discussion about whether it was a cat or dog or ostrich. Then, when he left it on a table outside (she was in) she kept it until we came back for it and said “Oh, good! I was hoping you’d come back.” She and her friend walked down the library steps at 7:15 and cried “Hey, Will!” He replied “What are you doing?” She responded: “I got some books from the library. See you later!” “Bye!” Then, 10 minutes later, I looked up to see Levue, who works with my husband and his girlfriend on their bikes in the street. They had stopped and were looking at us. I called Will’s attention to them and he beamed and waved. Levue looked a while longer and said, “He remembers me!", with a big smile. Then rode off.

I am in awe of my son today.

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